This is actually my mine problem when I set out to do anything creative, I'm always far to critical on everythinhg even on my own stuff.
Iron Fist: The Dragon Unleashed
maybe not like this?
Posted by Dazreil at Friday, June 27, 2008 0 comments
live from mansion house
hey all its 4:20 and i an in a office in mansion house have been Sia training for the last 4 day's now i always gett nervous befor a test but as soon as i start it seems reall easy i dont know if its good or not but i finished the hour long test of 25 muti choice question's in 6 min's with a read though i know i did well (sod's law i failed and should not be cocky ) hope the second test is as easy as the first .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, June 26, 2008 1 comments
The Last Dragon last fight scene
B-movie tastic
Posted by Dazreil at Wednesday, June 25, 2008 0 comments
Jims' Menagerie
Heres a couple of creatures I made with Spores Creature Creator
Posted by Jims at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
i was just thinking about amsterdam and about the next trip and as much as i would love to go there and just mash it up i really dont think it will happen.
Thats not to say i am not going or that we wont be gatting mashed far from it .
What i invision is a tec heavy n95 powered laptop street journalist style
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
Principle Bhuddwha.
This aint a school and i aint the headmaster.
but gary seems to need me to give him home work.
he bitched about dazreil righting the script for shung-fu as he wanted to do it.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Sunday, June 22, 2008 1 comments
after making my first new batch monster buddys's i thought six was not enough so i got some more fimo and went to town .
some are still in the oven now as i type at ten to two am .
with the v3 buddy's i added a small magnet to the inside and used glow in the dark fimo for eyes n horns.
as with the first new batch one of them is a bit wonky but i put this down to there always being a runt in the litter .
in the fist batch lemlim was a runt with his arms falling off and his head/lid not hitting right i wont say witch of the new crew is the runt check them out on my Deviantart page
BHUDDWHA'S BUDDY'S and look out for gost face's brother sparrow .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Friday, June 20, 2008 3 comments
Here it is the first and second plots for shung-fu by dazreil thanks and i look forward to 3 n 4 .
but please give guy a name.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1 comments
I've just finished something you might like.
I've just finished the first story outline for "The Legend of Shung Fu"
It's a mix of The Journey to the East, the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, Jet Li's Legend of Fong Sai-yuk, Life on Mars and Pokemon. I know it's a funny combo, but just go here for ep1 and read it will you.
EDIT: I'm on fire today here is part two
and here's part three, which may change tenses somewhere, but it's getting late and I have a headache. Part four will be coming maybe tomorrow and it's something completely different.
Posted by Dazreil at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0 comments
Spore Creature Creator Video
another crazy beast spore by yours truly
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 17, 2008 0 comments
Spore Creature Creator Video
hear is our first spore monster made with only the free demo
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1 comments
deviant art
right well i have been up since 5am its now 3pm iv been out with my girlfriend .
so iv been out and when i got back i was supposed to be getting some kip as we are going to a party but i couldnt sleep .
so i thought it was about time i updated my deviant art portfolio i only had a few scraps on there but now iv got loads check me out.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, June 14, 2008 0 comments
Tropic Thunder Ben Stiller Trailer NEW SUMMER MOVIE
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, June 12, 2008 0 comments
step 2
right under the banner of project aqua we bring you another some thing new so because we aint got a forum or much in the basement we bring you .
our new google group it is our boiling pot for all thing's aqua.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 0 comments
We have been keeping a low profile for about a week .
personally i have been changing my net provider but the rest of these guys aint got no excuse .
any way i thought i would tell you a little bit about our little basement gang .
gal is my little step cuz and really needs a better name than rantin gal.
he was banging on at me for fucking ages to get the basement going from the start.
he can be a bit a of a gobshite saying 1000 words when two will do .
due to his work stuff he cant find five mins to blogg (bullshit).
although i say all this he is still a really fucking cool dude .
all though my teen years i lived with this guy jimz or jimyjamesjanuszka,JR. as i called him back then.
jims is old school .with his knowledge of computers he is like my giga-guru.
soon i will be calling on him to help with the much awaited project aqua .
back in our school days we only ever got DOS lesson's and jimz was the nuts back then.
although daz is my big bro and is like neo always plugged in he has finger on the pulse of whats going on in cyber space between him and jimz they have al the teck skills and knowledge of cpu's and the web i will ever need .
to call daz a geek is a bit of an insult to him as he is far more cutting edge than that but still nerdy/geeky at the same time.
it is as if he has been waiting for his intrest to catch him up in the cool stakes .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, June 09, 2008 1 comments
Blind Rage
This Friday Big brother 1027 started and i watch it! Its the perfect antidote to a long stress full day. Something that requires less than a brain cell to follow, with enough frills and spills to keep it interesting. Big Brother had set a secret mission for Mario the Stallone lookalike and
19 years old blond Steph to pretend to be a couple and get married. Mario came in with his girlfriend of 3 years just to add some spice.
They had to get married and make sure nobody found out that they were on a secret mission or all face the public vote. if they are able to complete this it would be reversed. With Luke the T total non swearing 20 year old to help.
Mario had decided to make Mikey his best man, with Steph choosing her favourite girls as hens. Then theres the bitch Alexandra, she's aggressive, abusive, Disrespectful and Obnoxious to the point of despair. She had rumbled the fact that it was a task and seemed to rage an all out personal war against any one who showed even a flicker of deviance. she had all ready called Steph in adopting a wolf like tactics to attack her on its realism speaking over every word the ditsy scouser attempted. this could be understood to a level if not begrudgingly tolerated. so as you can imagine she was not one of the hens
Then she went that level to far, beyond what i can stand to tolerate. this vile specimen of evil attacked a innocent man caught up in a web of lies, but unable to defend himself. Mikey had gotten drunk at Mario's stag dressed up as a bunny girl (as Alexandra 'i ain't turning them on' wouldn't). he ended up somehow in a 3 sausage bath, where he found a thong. of course not knowing who's they are put them on as a drunken stag prank. This was Sylvia's thong who laughed at the site of Mikey before realising. this action was also mirrored by the bitch who's face dramatically changed upon realising. Sylvia launched into a attack on Mikey about lack of respect as if he had made it personal. Mario entered the room trying to lighten the mood says to Mikey i could sell my shorts on eBay now. Mikey however has still not responded. This was obviously the personal attack on Alexandra that she had been waiting for. she launched at Mario who stood firm and calm though out her attempt. After being matched by Mario she decides to attack Mikey about a lack of respect and how offended she about what he has done, as if to say he was making it personal with her. Mikey response to this is tell them rightly so to Fuck off! To This he got another tirade of abuse from both then Alexandra stormed off.
Later Mikey Attempted to clear there air with a few housemates, who made a shoddy attempt to mediate. this gave Alexandra another chance to spout on about his disrespect when he has done nothing to her. Mikey attempts to tell the housemates the real version of events,when Alexandra talked over him undermining his version and again makes a attack on him. this disgusted me and if we can have a massive storm over shilpa shetty, then why are we not creating a riot over this. Do to many walk on the egg shells of Politically correctness. Look around and make your own decision.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Monday, June 09, 2008 1 comments
Changing of the Guards
One of the benifits of working in a tourist hotspot is being able to chill out at lunch time and take in some tourist sights. Usually if the weather is nice I go and sit in St James' Park and have a ice cream. It's got to be the best way of getting away from it all at work.
Well today I had my lunch, well breakfast, in the canteen at work, and I didn't fancy spending the rest of my break watching "Homes under the Hammer" on the canteen flat screen telly, so I thought to myself, I still had enough time to catch the Changing of the Guards at the Horseguards Museum near Buckingham Palace.
So any way here is a couple of pics I managed to take:
Posted by Jims at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 0 comments
A quick thank you
i would like to take the time to thank jimz and alban for there help in our second faze of the the basement PROJECT AQUA .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 0 comments
still loving my toys at 28
was having a look online and iv seen some toys i really want so i thought id share

these turtels fucking rule based on the 1980 Kevin Eastman&Peter Laird comic

Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 0 comments
Project Aqua
Now that Bhuddwha's Basement is public, I have a few ideas of how to have some real community presence.
First of all we need a central website so we can move the blog there. Also I will set up an IRC server so we can chat.
I want to set up a forum, plus a streaming media server for Shung Fu Epsiodes.
Bhuddwha and I also want to set up a Bhuddwha's Basement Twitter account, and Facebook group.
The final phase of the plan would be to get some revenue from Adsense and other advertising methods, the only problem with this is it's so difficult to make any money this way, but we can always make a Bhuddwha's Basement shop, selling official Bhuddwha T'shirts and Mugs.
Posted by Jims at Monday, June 02, 2008 2 comments
skypecast form the basement
as part of our expansion of the basement next wednesday june the 11th at 3pm the basement will be hosting it first skypecast .
as of yet we have not got any third party program so cant record our first cast so the only way to hear it is to be there .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, June 02, 2008 1 comments