Its been a very long time since my last post and i cant say there hasn't been anything to post about, in fact only today was i once again drawn to this page. i was on google seeing where the world of the Internet may take me, when i decided to search my own name, where in the google hit list would i be? the answer as i know you are dieing to hear was no 1! so with that blatant gloat over, i will now turn my attention back to the blog. i feel it has always had potential and with the creative talent behind it could make for interesting viewing, however we have fallen flat on our faces and are now struggling to resuscitate it back to life! we'll if you've got me blogging then you know we are giving it another go and the commitment levels are rising.
so from now on keep a look out for my posts! Next up 'the football manager crisis should it be class A?'
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14 years ago