Project Aqua

02 June 2008

Now that Bhuddwha's Basement is public, I have a few ideas of how to have some real community presence.

First of all we need a central website so we can move the blog there. Also I will set up an IRC server so we can chat.
I want to set up a forum, plus a streaming media server for Shung Fu Epsiodes.

Bhuddwha and I also want to set up a Bhuddwha's Basement Twitter account, and Facebook group.

The final phase of the plan would be to get some revenue from Adsense and other advertising methods, the only problem with this is it's so difficult to make any money this way, but we can always make a Bhuddwha's Basement shop, selling official Bhuddwha T'shirts and Mugs.

skypecast form the basement

as part of our expansion of the basement next wednesday june the 11th at 3pm the basement will be hosting it first skypecast .
as of yet we have not got any third party program so cant record our first cast so the only way to hear it is to be there .