i could edit the first post so it makes sense to other people not just in my head, but instead i will just explain what the words were ment to mean. As well as this its there its what i was thinking at the time and it still makes sense to me. in the short and short of it i was watchin i believe gavins wedding when his mates old bird was tellin stacey she was pregnant. then just as she is about to say it a loud annoucment comes accross sayin just to remind you shrek 1 & just before she could say 2 it was cut off. now being as this was the first time that i had watched gavin & stacey this was a fucking great way of gettin me to watch more shrek! as far as the people withe chalk board i ment the people at the end of nights tv old school for me letting you know there they had nothing left worth watching. 'G&S' gave me a strangley nostalgic yearning along with so many oher brain dead shit shows they have on tv prime times today is the new way of being the people with the chalk boards to let you know theres fuck all worth watching! i think bbc3 were sending us a message before we turned over.
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14 years ago