Here it is the first and second plots for shung-fu by dazreil thanks and i look forward to 3 n 4 .
but please give guy a name.
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14 years ago
Here it is the first and second plots for shung-fu by dazreil thanks and i look forward to 3 n 4 .
but please give guy a name.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1 comments
I've just finished the first story outline for "The Legend of Shung Fu"
It's a mix of The Journey to the East, the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, Jet Li's Legend of Fong Sai-yuk, Life on Mars and Pokemon. I know it's a funny combo, but just go here for ep1 and read it will you.
EDIT: I'm on fire today here is part two
and here's part three, which may change tenses somewhere, but it's getting late and I have a headache. Part four will be coming maybe tomorrow and it's something completely different.
Posted by Dazreil at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0 comments
the very bottom floor??