When i was younger i lived in a flat with my bro daz and jimz.
back then we where cutting edge making youtube style video's years befor youtube.
we where going to make a really bad black and white kung-fu film.
well the cam we had was a shit kids toy that plugged in to your vcr and we never followed it up .
a few years before that we hung out for a while with some gay black witch's (no really though i dont fucking know why ) well any way a few of them where in to L.A.R.P .
That's live action roll play to you and me .
although that never really sounded to much fun to me these gay black witch's did have some really good latex weapons.
looking in to latex weapons some more over the last few years it seems the trend is now less of the real looking weapons and more about the home made weapons .
these home made swords are called boffers and are a really easy to make (apparently as i aint made one myself) .
there just a bit of pipe with foam on covered in siver duck tape for the blade and black tape round the handle .
i will make one of these boffers and bring back shung-fu the padded assasin.
i probably make this sort film with the help alban and jimz so look out for the return of shung-fu some time never.
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14 years ago