03 February 2010

so its time to celebrate the return of lost and commiserate the finale season.

so for those of you that are not up to date check out this vide.

have you watched it are you up to date then lets continue.

so at the end of season 5 juliet was stuck at the bottom of the yet unbuilt hatch at the swan site with an atom bomb witch she hits with a rock.

now with out spoiling to much the first eppisode of season six is called LA-X

watch the first formins hear

now there is only 30 seconds of new footage but jack is the plane and it dont crash .

so what does this tell us well lost has given us  flash backs,flash forwards,time travel/teleportation,smoke monsters,gods (jacob may not be a god but not shore how to explain him) so why not a parallel universe witch from what i can tell is what is happening.

after all To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction and its at the point of juliets action would cause a new parallel world to split of from the main world

now i aint watched it yet and thats why im posting this first to see if my opinion on the story changes after watching.

and do we think we will get the answers we want well this song doesnt think we will

and one little spoiler just befor the end this post HOW THE FUCK IS DESMOND ON THE PLANE. all this and more will be weaved in to the final season so if you outside the usa like myself dont wait for it to come on the telly stream it or download it now .














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