well what can i say its true, i go online rant about the basement and then do nothing to back up my claim. There are many reasons for my recent absence from the basement all with equally valid claims. Allthough this doesnt put those missing rants in now does it. So i wont even go into what they are, But i will speak about Buddwha's basement and FRIENDS! I feel its a small step but no more than i can expect after my recents absence. therefore i will publicly announce my full commitment to the basement but i will leave it up to you to decide whether i deserve a spot in the name.
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14 years ago
like i said my house you just live hear .
Wheres my Panda Porn.
The site looks pretty cool. I've started a blog, but I find it difficult to get the motivation to post anything
Jims its easy keep you need to say I will up date this blog once week. You post up stuff that makes you laugh smile or anoys you.
You post about stuff that interest you or you start a themed blog. You need direction for your blog other wise it will fial.
Doing 3 podcasts now and three blogs if I can do it any one can.
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