so spiderman 4 is dead in the walter with raimi and maguire out of tne picture.
so sony are going to reboot and start again with peter bieng in school (ultimate style )
it was also been said that fantastic four was also going to have a reboot now only a few years ago a reboot so soon after after the last movie was not an option but with yet another marvel film being remade only 2/3 years apart it seems that like comics comic movies can ride the waveo reboots and still keep the people coming back.
now if the spiderman redux or the F4 redux can be half as good as the hlk movie sony will be well happy with themself.i must say that i really liked the first spidey film apart from osborns stupid power ranger style goblin outfit and stupid casting for norman it was all good.
but as the trilogy went on and the greatness of doc oc in number2 thnings where shaping up for the villans of the filmsand i waited with baited breath for the 3rd film only to be treated to the shit that was venom .
now the way these films went was spiderman 1 ok 2 very good 3 poor so 4 could have been wicked or shit but now we will never know and as much as i was dreadind seing the vulture on screen in some sucky outfit i think jonh malkovitch would have done the character proud my only snipe would have been johns build as he was a little to big for a weedy guy like the vultur and no matet how big his wings that guy would never fly.
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