Not even shore if this is my full ready list i might have missed a few titles.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, October 30, 2008 0 comments
Im Back
Its been a very long time since my last post and i cant say there hasn't been anything to post about, in fact only today was i once again drawn to this page. i was on google seeing where the world of the Internet may take me, when i decided to search my own name, where in the google hit list would i be? the answer as i know you are dieing to hear was no 1! so with that blatant gloat over, i will now turn my attention back to the blog. i feel it has always had potential and with the creative talent behind it could make for interesting viewing, however we have fallen flat on our faces and are now struggling to resuscitate it back to life! we'll if you've got me blogging then you know we are giving it another go and the commitment levels are rising.
so from now on keep a look out for my posts! Next up 'the football manager crisis should it be class A?'
Posted by Rantin Gal at Sunday, October 26, 2008 0 comments
No we are not dead .
So i really really aint posted in fucking ages but i aint been working so have nuthing to say .
well i still aint got much to say but there is no way tre would get to be the last poster. so every day this week im going to post a litle somthing stay tuned.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, October 06, 2008 0 comments
*i will be the death of the blog*
Posted by trazick at Friday, September 26, 2008 0 comments
Lets Party
Let's party like it's blog post 99!
Oh wait it is post 99
Posted by Jims at Wednesday, September 03, 2008 0 comments
cant belive it
it been god damb ages since iv posted and my laptop is working again after a file transfer and a reset so im going to pull my finger out nd post quite a few times in the coming weeks.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, August 25, 2008 0 comments
the pause
at this moment in time my laptop is dead but thanks to my lovely n95 an my home wi-fi ill get by .
Any way don is at mine after his tour of europe .
We are watching old school witch is a who's who of american comedy .
Actors in from show's and film's like , big bang theory ,reaper,old dude from wedding singer ,big fat black guy from new guy ,that balding guy harold and kuma 2 and the cobeart report (how ever you spell his name ),king of queen's , entourage arvi gold and his wife in the show ,lock from lost ,plus three frat pack main stayer's andy dick .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Sunday, August 10, 2008 0 comments
What a good quote
Rex on BB "your so boring i would swap you for scrable"
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, July 29, 2008 0 comments
Judd Apatow
we hear at the basement would just like to take a min to tell every one about our love for
Judd Apatow one of the big brains of us comedy moves and the back bone of the frat pack .
so today we tip our hats to an unsung hero of comedy.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, July 28, 2008 1 comments
Its been a while
Once again i must start my blog with a apology, it has now been 3 weeks since my last post with no real excuses. I've got to say i am loving the new look of the basement. Its not so much the style but the obvious progression. So lets get to 100 blogs and lets start attracting some more people!
As you can tell from my previous blogs i have dabbled with movie previews, i however am now going to throw my hat into the game ring. I have recently been let down by a game like never before and this has left me no choice but to rant. The game in question is 'Don King's Prize Fighter' produced by 2k sports, the same guys that did my much loved rocky legends. For everybody that knows me will know that two of my biggest loves are boxing and rocky. So its fair to say that i was a little bit excited by all the pre-hype mixed with the classic don king's promises of greatness. For ages i was pondering whether to just buy it or rent it first, until i downloaded the full demo. How relived i was when i finally played it and i realised i hadn't wasted a single penny on this shambolic attempt to dis-throne heavyweight boxing champ FN3 (Fight Nigh Round 3). Where do i begin on my attempts to break down for you the multiple flaws in the demo that i played, let alone what i have read as full game features? The first has got to be the control system, a basic button bashing system that takes away your feeling of control over the way you box. Victorious Boxer invented the analogue control system and FN3 perfected it, yet 2K sports believe that in this day and age where controlling more and more aspects of a games motion is the way forward, gamers will still desire a button bashing boxing game. That is just the tip of the ice burg that is 'Don King's Prize Fighter'. The next is the near invisible affects of punching. With no real power or feel of speed it is no surprise that there is no visible affects to you fighter. The graphics look pretty but lack in substance with the fighters seeming all most like a moving picture.
To Round all of this off i would give 'Don King's Prize Fighter' A VERY WIDE BIRTH. so if you find yourself in a game shop about to purchase this put it straight down and pick up FN3 instead, unless of course you like wasting your money.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Sunday, July 27, 2008 0 comments
91st post
All team triptopia as we near our 100th post i ask you all to login and leave us a little post to boost us closer to our goal.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, July 23, 2008 0 comments
Destroy All Humans - Path of the Furon Trailer E3 2008
i dont know why but i fucking loved the last one hope i get the chance to play this.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
wii sports: Resort (Motion plus)
next up nintendo push there teck and frow wii sports in the mix witch i must say looks great.
but i can safely say i cant wait to sword fight with the titan and find out who's the best swordsman.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
Sonic Unleashed E3 2008 Trailer
1st up sonic looking old school in places ,but also turning in to a warehog wtf.
what i will say is that it looks really fucking fast enjoy .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 17, 2008 1 comments
its E3mass again peeps?
E3 is rapping as we speak and i thought i would have a dig about from the best of the show so stay tuned.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
what is the point of a blog list when all it says is that none of the triptopian team blogg enough .
Alloyed Titan's Glow 2 weeks ago
Jims-Tech 4 weeks ago
INTROMISSION 5 weeks ago
///////// over there look its just lame .
<< ========______________
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 10, 2008 2 comments
look now at the bottom of the blog and you will my spore widget enjoy.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, July 10, 2008 0 comments
The big catch up.
So it has been a while since i posted but the boys have been keeping things going around hear so its time for a recap .
Right where to start well if shung fu ends up looking as bad as iron fist im going to top myself .
bhuddwha's basement would like to big up chaz alban jimz and gary for their choice of phones n95 massive.
Hopefully i get my sia test results back in the next few days .
Recovering from last night by repeating it had a bit of a sesh.
really wanted a nice long post so ill carry on waffling for a while.
why is it that hollywood want to remake every thing badly.
coming up in the next year we have dragon ball witch looks alright,a cgi thundercats film probably shit .
the rumor is that they are making an A-team film
Bruce Willis as Col. Hannibal Smith
Woody Harrelson as Capt. H.M. 'Howling Mad' Murdock.
Ice Cube as Sgt. Bosco 'B.A.' Baracus .
what a load of shit looks like we will be watching shit 80's remakes for years to come .
lets hope they go the way of doctor who instead of masters of the Universe.
not that it was too bad but come on transformers was eye candy and nothing more please put some of what made these shows great in there.
i know looking back on most of these shows they sucked.
but the campness that made them great is never reproduced.
right so i went out and found the cheapest copy of smash bro's just to find out it dont work on my wii but does on every other wii i have put it on .
blah blah blah latters.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, July 05, 2008 0 comments
n95 blog
i know i know i havnt blogged in about 2 weeks now. now there is no more excuses. Last monday i went from shop to shop untill finally stopping at car phone ware house to get the n95 black. For what seemed like ages bhuddwha got on at me to get it showing me great feature after feature. The decision was made. but what swung it for me was this just chilling with my maile doing a blog. From now on ill be getting back to what i was ment to be doing and start writing some previews. Look out for pineapple express coming soon.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Wednesday, July 02, 2008 0 comments
The Truth.
This is actually my mine problem when I set out to do anything creative, I'm always far to critical on everythinhg even on my own stuff.
Posted by Dazreil at Sunday, June 29, 2008 0 comments
Iron Fist: The Dragon Unleashed
maybe not like this?
Posted by Dazreil at Friday, June 27, 2008 0 comments
live from mansion house
hey all its 4:20 and i an in a office in mansion house have been Sia training for the last 4 day's now i always gett nervous befor a test but as soon as i start it seems reall easy i dont know if its good or not but i finished the hour long test of 25 muti choice question's in 6 min's with a read though i know i did well (sod's law i failed and should not be cocky ) hope the second test is as easy as the first .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, June 26, 2008 1 comments
The Last Dragon last fight scene
B-movie tastic
Posted by Dazreil at Wednesday, June 25, 2008 0 comments
Jims' Menagerie
Heres a couple of creatures I made with Spores Creature Creator
Posted by Jims at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
i was just thinking about amsterdam and about the next trip and as much as i would love to go there and just mash it up i really dont think it will happen.
Thats not to say i am not going or that we wont be gatting mashed far from it .
What i invision is a tec heavy n95 powered laptop street journalist style
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
Principle Bhuddwha.
This aint a school and i aint the headmaster.
but gary seems to need me to give him home work.
he bitched about dazreil righting the script for shung-fu as he wanted to do it.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Sunday, June 22, 2008 1 comments
after making my first new batch monster buddys's i thought six was not enough so i got some more fimo and went to town .
some are still in the oven now as i type at ten to two am .
with the v3 buddy's i added a small magnet to the inside and used glow in the dark fimo for eyes n horns.
as with the first new batch one of them is a bit wonky but i put this down to there always being a runt in the litter .
in the fist batch lemlim was a runt with his arms falling off and his head/lid not hitting right i wont say witch of the new crew is the runt check them out on my Deviantart page
BHUDDWHA'S BUDDY'S and look out for gost face's brother sparrow .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Friday, June 20, 2008 3 comments
Here it is the first and second plots for shung-fu by dazreil thanks and i look forward to 3 n 4 .
but please give guy a name.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1 comments
I've just finished something you might like.
I've just finished the first story outline for "The Legend of Shung Fu"
It's a mix of The Journey to the East, the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, Jet Li's Legend of Fong Sai-yuk, Life on Mars and Pokemon. I know it's a funny combo, but just go here for ep1 and read it will you.
EDIT: I'm on fire today here is part two
and here's part three, which may change tenses somewhere, but it's getting late and I have a headache. Part four will be coming maybe tomorrow and it's something completely different.
Posted by Dazreil at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0 comments
Spore Creature Creator Video
another crazy beast spore by yours truly
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 17, 2008 0 comments
Spore Creature Creator Video
hear is our first spore monster made with only the free demo
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1 comments
deviant art
right well i have been up since 5am its now 3pm iv been out with my girlfriend .
so iv been out and when i got back i was supposed to be getting some kip as we are going to a party but i couldnt sleep .
so i thought it was about time i updated my deviant art portfolio i only had a few scraps on there but now iv got loads check me out.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, June 14, 2008 0 comments
Tropic Thunder Ben Stiller Trailer NEW SUMMER MOVIE
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, June 12, 2008 0 comments
step 2
right under the banner of project aqua we bring you another some thing new so because we aint got a forum or much in the basement we bring you .
our new google group it is our boiling pot for all thing's aqua.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 0 comments
We have been keeping a low profile for about a week .
personally i have been changing my net provider but the rest of these guys aint got no excuse .
any way i thought i would tell you a little bit about our little basement gang .
gal is my little step cuz and really needs a better name than rantin gal.
he was banging on at me for fucking ages to get the basement going from the start.
he can be a bit a of a gobshite saying 1000 words when two will do .
due to his work stuff he cant find five mins to blogg (bullshit).
although i say all this he is still a really fucking cool dude .
all though my teen years i lived with this guy jimz or jimyjamesjanuszka,JR. as i called him back then.
jims is old school .with his knowledge of computers he is like my giga-guru.
soon i will be calling on him to help with the much awaited project aqua .
back in our school days we only ever got DOS lesson's and jimz was the nuts back then.
although daz is my big bro and is like neo always plugged in he has finger on the pulse of whats going on in cyber space between him and jimz they have al the teck skills and knowledge of cpu's and the web i will ever need .
to call daz a geek is a bit of an insult to him as he is far more cutting edge than that but still nerdy/geeky at the same time.
it is as if he has been waiting for his intrest to catch him up in the cool stakes .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, June 09, 2008 1 comments
Blind Rage
This Friday Big brother 1027 started and i watch it! Its the perfect antidote to a long stress full day. Something that requires less than a brain cell to follow, with enough frills and spills to keep it interesting. Big Brother had set a secret mission for Mario the Stallone lookalike and
19 years old blond Steph to pretend to be a couple and get married. Mario came in with his girlfriend of 3 years just to add some spice.
They had to get married and make sure nobody found out that they were on a secret mission or all face the public vote. if they are able to complete this it would be reversed. With Luke the T total non swearing 20 year old to help.
Mario had decided to make Mikey his best man, with Steph choosing her favourite girls as hens. Then theres the bitch Alexandra, she's aggressive, abusive, Disrespectful and Obnoxious to the point of despair. She had rumbled the fact that it was a task and seemed to rage an all out personal war against any one who showed even a flicker of deviance. she had all ready called Steph in adopting a wolf like tactics to attack her on its realism speaking over every word the ditsy scouser attempted. this could be understood to a level if not begrudgingly tolerated. so as you can imagine she was not one of the hens
Then she went that level to far, beyond what i can stand to tolerate. this vile specimen of evil attacked a innocent man caught up in a web of lies, but unable to defend himself. Mikey had gotten drunk at Mario's stag dressed up as a bunny girl (as Alexandra 'i ain't turning them on' wouldn't). he ended up somehow in a 3 sausage bath, where he found a thong. of course not knowing who's they are put them on as a drunken stag prank. This was Sylvia's thong who laughed at the site of Mikey before realising. this action was also mirrored by the bitch who's face dramatically changed upon realising. Sylvia launched into a attack on Mikey about lack of respect as if he had made it personal. Mario entered the room trying to lighten the mood says to Mikey i could sell my shorts on eBay now. Mikey however has still not responded. This was obviously the personal attack on Alexandra that she had been waiting for. she launched at Mario who stood firm and calm though out her attempt. After being matched by Mario she decides to attack Mikey about a lack of respect and how offended she about what he has done, as if to say he was making it personal with her. Mikey response to this is tell them rightly so to Fuck off! To This he got another tirade of abuse from both then Alexandra stormed off.
Later Mikey Attempted to clear there air with a few housemates, who made a shoddy attempt to mediate. this gave Alexandra another chance to spout on about his disrespect when he has done nothing to her. Mikey attempts to tell the housemates the real version of events,when Alexandra talked over him undermining his version and again makes a attack on him. this disgusted me and if we can have a massive storm over shilpa shetty, then why are we not creating a riot over this. Do to many walk on the egg shells of Politically correctness. Look around and make your own decision.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Monday, June 09, 2008 1 comments
Changing of the Guards
One of the benifits of working in a tourist hotspot is being able to chill out at lunch time and take in some tourist sights. Usually if the weather is nice I go and sit in St James' Park and have a ice cream. It's got to be the best way of getting away from it all at work.
Well today I had my lunch, well breakfast, in the canteen at work, and I didn't fancy spending the rest of my break watching "Homes under the Hammer" on the canteen flat screen telly, so I thought to myself, I still had enough time to catch the Changing of the Guards at the Horseguards Museum near Buckingham Palace.
So any way here is a couple of pics I managed to take:
Posted by Jims at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 0 comments
A quick thank you
i would like to take the time to thank jimz and alban for there help in our second faze of the the basement PROJECT AQUA .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 0 comments
still loving my toys at 28
was having a look online and iv seen some toys i really want so i thought id share

these turtels fucking rule based on the 1980 Kevin Eastman&Peter Laird comic

Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 0 comments
Project Aqua
Now that Bhuddwha's Basement is public, I have a few ideas of how to have some real community presence.
First of all we need a central website so we can move the blog there. Also I will set up an IRC server so we can chat.
I want to set up a forum, plus a streaming media server for Shung Fu Epsiodes.
Bhuddwha and I also want to set up a Bhuddwha's Basement Twitter account, and Facebook group.
The final phase of the plan would be to get some revenue from Adsense and other advertising methods, the only problem with this is it's so difficult to make any money this way, but we can always make a Bhuddwha's Basement shop, selling official Bhuddwha T'shirts and Mugs.
Posted by Jims at Monday, June 02, 2008 2 comments
skypecast form the basement
as part of our expansion of the basement next wednesday june the 11th at 3pm the basement will be hosting it first skypecast .
as of yet we have not got any third party program so cant record our first cast so the only way to hear it is to be there .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, June 02, 2008 1 comments
keep changing
i really cant get the basement looking how i want it.
i just keep changing it all the time one day ill settle for a look but not today .
the only other thing we have planed at the mo is we are going to be looking all over blogger for other peoples blogs.
hopefully get some links going back and forth from other peoples blogs but im leaaving to garry so it may take some time.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, May 29, 2008 0 comments
this is what happens THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS
this is what happens you let ranting gary loose with the mobile phone cam .
so we had a bbq saturday and am not going to bother listing who was there cos the video says it all.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, May 27, 2008 0 comments
The great Retro comeback
Today is a momentous day in the history of the basement, two post by me in one day. I feel i have no choice but to post this as i feel its far to long over due. This Thursday i went to the pictures with my girlfriend to see the new Indiana Jones film. The newest wave of late 70's early eighties films to show sixty year old action heros! Don't mean it has to be Indiana Jones and the nursing home of doom. Watching these films leaves me feeling in a somewhat confused state. These actors were already in there late 20's mid 30's when they first appeared as the memorable characters. Yet i wasn't even a mere future thought. As those who know me will be well aware i am a huge rocky fan, you could even say obsessed slightly. But when the original was realised 1977, my mother was just a girl herself and when the fifth was released i was just 3. So you could imagine my frustrations at never being able to see any at the cinema. When i heard that old Sly was going to be making another rocky, a confused smile crept across my face. As those that have seen it, the last rocky was somewhat of a disappointment, even for a die hard rocky fan. But that was not going to stop my desire to watch the new one. It was fucking brilliant with old sly not holding back on taking a ribbing for being old and winding the series down to a much yearned true last time out. That set the tone for a waive of old actions hero's giving that one last shot and to be compleatly honest they haven't been a disappointment - with a real sense of understanding of how ludicrous there age is for the roles they were playing. I believe, all in all, they are welcome but if rocky steps in the ring at 70 we just mite just have a lover tiff.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Saturday, May 24, 2008 1 comments
Shung-Fu the boffer assasin
Sorry to nick the title of your last blog buddwha, but to be honest i couldn't think of better one. thinking back for me only a few years ago,i to was making fuck about spoof films and as shit as they were at the time they seemed like masterpieces. but there was all ways one genre that i never managed to venture into all tho spending many a day thinking of ways to make it possible but to no avail. that genre was kung-fu, if you hadn't guessed all ready. the reason for this, was one fatal floor in my attempts to create a masterpiece like hero or crouching tiger. i wasnt fucking Good enough nor did i have the equipment. talking to buddwha the other day i realised that it was posible but it would never be a masterpiece just a great fucking laugh. got add aswell gotta love the idea wth the boffers it is the way forward. i think now that you have posted about it you got no choice but to actually do it now at least for the fucking sheer fun of it!
Posted by Rantin Gal at Saturday, May 24, 2008 0 comments
Shung-Fu the boffer assasin.
When i was younger i lived in a flat with my bro daz and jimz.
back then we where cutting edge making youtube style video's years befor youtube.
we where going to make a really bad black and white kung-fu film.
well the cam we had was a shit kids toy that plugged in to your vcr and we never followed it up .
a few years before that we hung out for a while with some gay black witch's (no really though i dont fucking know why ) well any way a few of them where in to L.A.R.P .
That's live action roll play to you and me .
although that never really sounded to much fun to me these gay black witch's did have some really good latex weapons.
looking in to latex weapons some more over the last few years it seems the trend is now less of the real looking weapons and more about the home made weapons .
these home made swords are called boffers and are a really easy to make (apparently as i aint made one myself) .
there just a bit of pipe with foam on covered in siver duck tape for the blade and black tape round the handle .
i will make one of these boffers and bring back shung-fu the padded assasin.
i probably make this sort film with the help alban and jimz so look out for the return of shung-fu some time never.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, May 22, 2008 2 comments
The Gavin and stacey post
i could edit the first post so it makes sense to other people not just in my head, but instead i will just explain what the words were ment to mean. As well as this its there its what i was thinking at the time and it still makes sense to me. in the short and short of it i was watchin i believe gavins wedding when his mates old bird was tellin stacey she was pregnant. then just as she is about to say it a loud annoucment comes accross sayin just to remind you shrek 1 & just before she could say 2 it was cut off. now being as this was the first time that i had watched gavin & stacey this was a fucking great way of gettin me to watch more shrek! as far as the people withe chalk board i ment the people at the end of nights tv old school for me letting you know there they had nothing left worth watching. 'G&S' gave me a strangley nostalgic yearning along with so many oher brain dead shit shows they have on tv prime times today is the new way of being the people with the chalk boards to let you know theres fuck all worth watching! i think bbc3 were sending us a message before we turned over.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Tuesday, May 20, 2008 0 comments
so wiiware went online today i was on there at midnight to check it out .
the was a ff game i had kept reading about i wanted .
but due to lack of wii points i got lost winds instead although i aint played it much it is a fucking great bench mark for wiiware .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, May 20, 2008 0 comments
BBC 3 hate gavin & stacey
Im not going to pretend that i am a fan of gavin and stacey or that i have ever really watched it. tonight i somehow found myself in the situation where i was watchin gavn & stacey whilst also having ago at football management tw0 (women say we men cant multi task). This being the first sight first contact there time to shine bbc3 to grab my attention and winning my viewing figure, when at what seemed like a really important moment some girl who seemed important was tellin the girl in a wedding dress she was well i think pregnant. ''Just to remind you that shrek 1 & t'' abbruptly cut out. Sorry to the fat guy in the show but it just looks like you'll never be the lovable green oger. BBC 3 would like you to know they are currently showing shrek 1 & 2 but gavin and stacy is likly to be cancelled and replaced by the people with the chalck board, this is due to them being less of a distraction (slightly) to gavin &stacey.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Monday, May 19, 2008 1 comments
Son Goku
when i first see the pics for dbz i thought goku looked shit but the more i think about it the more i get it. i thought goku should have been japanese or at least asian with previous talks of jackie chan. stupidly i had forgotten goku isnt japanese english or american he is saiyan. with fair play to you ryan he does look like you said but maybe just not hard enough. i feel like there will be no need for the gattlin gun on this goku mayb some pink feather dusters to keep it bright and for some, interesting. lets just hope piccola looks like a beefed up namek not a weedy oversized gurkin.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Sunday, May 18, 2008 0 comments
its been a long hot week and iv been out in the sun.
iv been keeping a low profile but ill be picking up the pace in the basement.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, May 13, 2008 0 comments
we know
not that this will mean much to some but we know who it is .
back in NA 1 there is a man in the shadows it is nick fury i swear .
any way if you want to know i am talking about the secret invasion in marvel comics
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, May 10, 2008 0 comments
Aban was not as happy to see me as i thought.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, May 08, 2008 0 comments
today was a big video day
going video crazy all for fun.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, May 08, 2008 0 comments
My pokemon brings all the geeks to the yard, and they're like you wanna trade cards? Darn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not my charizard.
Posted by Jims at Tuesday, May 06, 2008 0 comments
had a
jerry session with the willmonster last night...
feelin fruity today.
think a long walk is in action..
this is the age of the digital love <33
Posted by trazick at Monday, May 05, 2008 1 comments
iron man
iron man is smashing it up at the box office but i wonder just how many people like me will watch it captain jack style off of streaming sites .
although this is one of those films that really should be seen on a big screen and i really want to watch it that way like most movies now days its to easy to find online .
now with wayne hot on starks heels i really am going to have to go see iron man on a big screen just because i know ill have to take my girlfriend to see the dark knight and i want marvel to have some of my money .
in the ungayest way possible i got to show some love for the man behind the mask robert downy jr .
he really earns his pay check in this movie and by far is the best thing about the whole 2 hours .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Monday, May 05, 2008 0 comments
Blaxploitation Vader
I found this clip it's funny as fuck. Vader Sessions
Posted by Jims at Thursday, May 01, 2008 0 comments
just for starters so so much more to come .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, April 30, 2008 3 comments
fender and jazz
im going to post all my comic ideas for fender and jazz lots more pics and cast to follow
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 0 comments
Dragon ball z
i signed up to love film about 5 weeks ago and recently recieved dragon ball z tenkaichi 3 on the wii. i was at work all day when it arrived and knew that i was going to be able to play until late on sunday. i must admit i was still excited by the concept of a nw dragon ball z game one in which you could perform some moves. and all started well the intro was beautiful but by now something perfected within the franchise. then came the game play the final fight between a prince of planet vegaeta and an opted saiyan warrior of earth by the name of son goku! iv beaten down on vegeta and about to send him to another dimension ith my spirit bomb my most powerful attack. what it ended up as was me flapping my arms in what looked like a attempt to take flight. if this was a attempt at some sort of martial arts training you sure would become fit but if you havnt got the saint of a paitent or a exspensive tv i would give this a miss. yet strangler i feel excited stilll for a future release.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Monday, April 28, 2008 0 comments
Get ready for
For what feels like forever i have had a few idea's for some comic's so i thought id share with you the to tittle characters .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 26, 2008 0 comments
New gagets
as you can see we got a cool marvel guy over on the right .
so we are trying out a few new things we now have a wiki bar and a mini paint .
and a imeem music thing at the bottom of the blogg if you want to turn it off.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 26, 2008 0 comments
So it is friday night iv got a phaty and a vodka red bull had a fat steak got j.wossy on the telly F.N.P sky + and lost the shape of things to come s4e09 on stream on pc
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Friday, April 25, 2008 0 comments
Fucking internet
i wont say the company that i work for but those who know will know who im talking about. i currently am provided with the very internet service that i sell. which would make you think that it is a great service to have but as you can tell from my lack of posts its far from! i love this site and the directions we are taking it in but unless i have word with the powers that be i feel i will not be serving the blogg well. Buddwha im gonna have to say well done for keeping the posts going and a big shout to our new members tre and jim.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1 comments
With gladiators soon coming out i thought i would give you a sneek peek at one off the new crop off gladiators
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 0 comments
Many thanks
i would like to take the time to thank ian peters .
as i left for work this morning i watched the post man walking up to my door with an envelope in his hand i had seen before .
it was a dvd from amsterdam , a dvd i had given up hope of ever seeing again and had chalked up to a failed attempt .
so again many thanks ian.
we are enjoying the DVD right now
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 0 comments
right so saturday we went to thorpe park stores to follow .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Sunday, April 20, 2008 0 comments
Fucking yes
Creature Creator Available in June!
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Sunday, April 20, 2008 0 comments
you know yoo've had a good night when...
you wake up on the sofa a 5.30am fully clothed. this is not the first time and not doubt it will be the last.
there is something strangely satisfying about waking up on the sofa after boozing it up all night. well, it beats waking up at shoeburyness on the last train outta london on a friday night...
Posted by trazick at Friday, April 18, 2008 1 comments
I am not alone
hear you go just so you know i dont know where i got it from but the net knows
I am not alone they are out there .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Friday, April 18, 2008 2 comments
Grave of the mother fucking fire flys
trey just asked me to sell him a pitch for grave of the fire flys in ten words so hear is my try .
load,of ,emo,shit,where,they,both,die,ghibli's,worst.
please post your try even if you aint seen it ,it is the emoest of emo movie's trust me i am saving you just by telling you that its shit .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, April 17, 2008 0 comments
The truth behind the cock goblin
Im going to reffer people back to the early hours 13/04/2008 when the truth emerged behind the story of the cock goblin. i had listened to buddwha go on all night about the cock goblin with as usual nobody listening. after a few hours we travelled back to buddwhas flat to smoke the herbal we had travelled a fair distance to aqquire. Sitting back in his most honest of states buddwha blurted out that he is fact the cock goblin and has the birth certificate to prove it. it all unfolded right in front of me. the reason behind buddwha calling me a cock goblin was in fact his now unlatent desire for him to not be the only cock goblin.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Thursday, April 17, 2008 0 comments
just for chating
hey guys thanks for signing up and reading and commenting .
as this post has no real reason please just use it to chat in the comments box thanks and im looking for a good forrome.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Thursday, April 17, 2008 1 comments
Sorry about the delay
well what can i say its true, i go online rant about the basement and then do nothing to back up my claim. There are many reasons for my recent absence from the basement all with equally valid claims. Allthough this doesnt put those missing rants in now does it. So i wont even go into what they are, But i will speak about Buddwha's basement and FRIENDS! I feel its a small step but no more than i can expect after my recents absence. therefore i will publicly announce my full commitment to the basement but i will leave it up to you to decide whether i deserve a spot in the name.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4 comments
im not using
its taking a little time for it to really sink in with me but that may have been withdrawal .
not that im saying that i was using but thank fuck its back .
This would if i was a member be really fucking cool for me would it not YAY.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2 comments
Hey all i aint really got much to say but i had to post .
so just going to waffle on not shore what about i suppose ill start with gary .
now as most of you have seen gary want's half the basement and thinks we should be sharing this blogg but he is a busy little shit and aint done nothing for the basement .
i sent out email invites to daz n orbz to be members but i dont know if there reading this guys if you are please leave comments and i need more email addy's to invite more peeps .
any way just filling up space on my blogg latters .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 0 comments
this is it my birthday is over for another 364 days been bang on it since friday and its 3:22 tuesday morning
GOOD TIMES !!!!!!!!!
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, April 15, 2008 0 comments
Gary turns up bitch's and then does nothing .
so in the interest of fair play i will change the name of this blog to bhuddwha's basement and friends and thats it nothing else .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Tuesday, April 15, 2008 0 comments
oy ears
you know those people who listen and repeat thats you that is even the rant in (rantin gal) was nicked from me so hear is the deal .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
My Right 2 Rant
This will be my first Rant and will be one of many. So Buddwha people now know that this is not just your little baby but mine as well. I will suggest that you quit your crying and set the record straight for the public.
Posted by Rantin Gal at Saturday, April 12, 2008 1 comments
no sleep
i did not go to bed till 5am this morning and could not get back to sleep so i chucked some cloths on and waited for 15 min while woolworths got ready to open at nine so i could buy mario but im going to be well fucked by my birthday drink tonight .
i will still be posting the rest of my holliday over the next few days ,in between skining up,drinking ,playing mario, and getting over my hang overs from the long weekend ahead .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
With all the prices weed and venue ratings.
when you get to the dam you really have to taste the best and the best way to tell whats best you have to ask the experts .
the Cannabis Cup
So the 2007 winner was a must but more on that latter.our first stop was a much need one as it was two mins walk from our hotel.
hotel linda

the internet coffee shop
EURO'S 7.50 1 GRAM
This place is round the corner to the hotel and after our massive wait my first taste off the dam experiance .
starting off strong this was taste stoned of one joint .
nice little coffee shop boho style with some trance playing
The bull dog
Not the greatest buzz in the world this weed made up for that with sheer taste a nice mixing weed for bulk .
the bulldog it self is the third one along with the weed in the basement .
Not the coolest pace this is the Mc D's of the coffee shop world .
the bushdoctor
Lovely stuff hit's like a slapp to the face .
this CS was very green with cannabis leafs painted on every thing and really bad seats and more trance i should not have liked it but i did .
back to the internet coffee shop
as this place was so close to our dam home we went back .
again wicked weed and now playing justin .
6 1/2 STARS
Back to the bull dog but this time stayed up stairs spent 4 euros on drinks and had a killer joint out of the aforementioned weed witch was killer i liked this place a little more now.
Although the price is high g-13 is the 2007 cannabis and looks and taste exactly how a winner should .
cool little place wooden tables and a funky DJ NICE.
ok stuff bit over priced but shop is in dam center .
native american pictures and busts all over the shop.
some stoned little chinese dudes gave us there hash [cream & kinghash ] in there ashtray they had not even managed to finish a whole reef.
6 STARS +1 little dudes
very nice taste just like it smell witch is rare .
this green house is the fucking place to be very modern ikea ish style with cool padded seats and a fucking koi carp pond built under a glass floor .
this place ooz's cool .
Just a mix up bag of weed to smoke before we left nothing to say .
the place is a lot like the bulldog .
My advise is to go to a little of beat place then to barneys for the cup winning g-13
and finsh up at the coolest place around the green house .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
At first we only smoked J's out the window with the curtans all over us to not stink out the room but after a while you just think fuck it and open the window and then you really fucking love it .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
Although i probably will report on my whole stay it will be a bit all over the shop
hear are just a few vidz i took while out in amsterdam.
fucking stairs nearly killed me every day
you are not supposed to take pics or videos in coffee shops so i did this on the DL
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
Dam and back
For my birthday my girlfriend took me away for a lovely four day trip to amsterdam .
well we had a fucking wicked time once we got there.
it all started when every thing was going far to well got there just a little later than we would have liked so breakfast was a no go .
anywho we got on the plane without much fuss but with empty belly's and found a row of seats with no one in the third seat .
as we sat there watching the snow just start to fall on the plane wings the pilot tolled us we where waiting for a deicer to spray the plane .
Well after the thirst thirty mins of waiting needless to say the pilot came back to tell us we would have to wait a little longer.
well short he did this every thirty or so mins over the next fucking 7 hours that'S right we got on the plane at 8:10 am and the plane took off at 3:15 pm .
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
From the brain of ryan's rants
So hear it is from ryan rants to my very own blog .
i have just got back from amsterdam so im going to be talking a lot about that with my city guide and coffee shop diary so welcome one and all.
Posted by Bhuddhwa at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments